Focused Areas of Study

In addition to your area of concentration, you may focus on a current social work issue through our Focused Areas of Study option. With elective credits you can focus your study on a particular population or social problem that complements your concentration. Students with a record of coherent academic accomplishment completing all requirements in an area of study will receive a letter of recognition.

Requirements for Focused Areas of Study

All FAS in the curriculum consist of the following components:

  • Successful completion of six elective credits. Of these six credits, students must take one 3-credit required course that contains the core knowledge deemed to be essential by the Focused Area Study faculty. Requirements for the Violence Prevention in Families and Communities Focused Area of Study differ slightly, as there is no dedicated required course.
  • A year-long practicum placement in a field or practice relevant for the Focused Area of Study (required).

The second course necessary to complete a Focused Area of Study may be taken as follows:

  • An elective from a carefully selected list of Focused Area of Study electives offered at the School;
  • An elective from other graduate units of the University (only with prior approval from the FAS Chair);
  • An independent study or special topics course of no more than three credits (only with prior approval from the FAS Chair).

Please note: some required FAS courses are not necessarily offered each semester, so plans must be made with your advisor and the FAS Chair with this in mind.