Practicum education (also known as field education) gives students insight into the range of social work settings where graduates might find work after earning their degree.
By gaining hands-on experience that is guided by our qualified UConn practicum instructors, BSW students will gain valuable experience and exposure to social work practice. Students in the BSW program are required to complete one practicum placement that spans their senior year.
Practicum education – also referred to as field education, social work internship, social work practicum and social work field experience – is an integral part of the curriculum and represents a significant portion of each student's educational experience.
The BSW practicum provides students with knowledge and skills that are essential to generalist social work practice. Through a wide range of activities and assignments in their coursework and practicum placement, BSW students are prepared for entry-level social work practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities.
BSW Practicum Education:
- Offers a wide range of placement opportunities throughout Connecticut
- Provides weekly supervision from a BSW practicum instructor based at the practicum site
- Requires students to spend approximately 14 hours per week at their assigned practicum placement during the academic year, for a total of 406 hours of hands-on learning
- Helps students apply their past and concurrent coursework to real-world social work practice contexts
For Students: FAQs about Placement Hours and Process
Do I have to complete a practicum placement?
Yes. It is important that all students understand that the practicum placement is a required component of the curriculum of the School of Social Work's BSW Program. BSW students are required to complete a two-semester practicum placement in their senior year.
All required practicum placement experiences must be completed at a SSW-approved facility. The School will assist you with securing a practicum placement. Each facility has its own requirements that must be met before accepting a student for a practicum placement. You are responsible for meeting a facility’s requirements.
You can learn more about the practicum experience in our BSW Practicum Education Manual.pdf.
How many hours are required for a practicum placement?
In your senior year you will be assigned to a practicum placement where you will spend approximately 14 hours per week for a total of 203 hours each semester.
Is a background check required for a practicum placement?
Yes, every student who is accepted into the program will need to have a background check in order to be placed at a practicum site. Visit the Office of Clinical Placement Coordination website for details.
For Students: Overview of BSW Practicum Education Requirements
As a student in the UConn School of Social Work you must complete all required practicum experiences. If you are unable to complete all required experiences, you will not graduate from the BSW Program.
All external experiences must be completed through placements at a BSW program-approved practicum facility. Each facility has its own requirements that must be met before a student can be accepted for a practicum placement. You are responsible for meeting the assigned facility’s requirements. The program is not responsible for securing placements for students who are unable to meet a facility’s placement requirements.
The University and the BSW program have a set of requirements and each facility may have additional requirements for student placements. The financial cost to meet all requirements is your responsibility; these costs are not included in your tuition and fees and are generally not covered by financial aid.
Requirements include, but are not limited to the following:
- Successfully completing a background screening. Background screenings verify social security numbers and include checking state and federal criminal records and sex offender registries. Background screenings may occur at one or more times during the program. If your background screening shows that you have a criminal record or are listed as a sex offender, you may not be able to secure a placement. If you have any questions regarding background checks, you can contact the UConn’s Clinical Case Manager at
- Minimally, you will need to demonstrate immunity through titers for childhood disease such as measles, mumps and varicella. A record of previous immunizations is not sufficient to fulfill these requirements. Titers are required. Without them, you may not be able to secure a placement. It has been UConn’s experience that facilities will not accept a religious exemption form in lieu of proof of immunity and will deny placements to any student who fails to provide such proof. Evidence of immunity and costs associated with testing are your responsibility. Titers may be done through either your personal provider or the University’s student health and wellness service.
- An annual tuberculosis screening is required. More details on the specific type will be provided in your onboarding session.
- Annual documentation of receipt of the seasonal influenza vaccine is not required by the SSW but is strongly encouraged. It has been UConn’s experience that many facilities will not accept a religious exemption form in lieu of proof of vaccination and will deny placements to any student who fails to provide such proof. Evidence of vaccinations and costs associated with testing are your responsibility.
If you are not able to meet the above requirements, you will most likely not be able to complete the program’s practicum placement experience requirements.
Contact the Office of Clinical Placement Coordination (OCPC) with any questions related to University background check and immunization requirements.
Students may not begin the practicum placement process or begin/continue an assigned practicum placement without fully meeting all compliance requirements through ADB/Complio. Please refer to materials from the Office of Clinical Placement Coordination (OCPC) for details about your requirements and deadlines and email with any questions about your compliance status.
Additional Practicum Placement Experience Requirements:
In addition to the above requirements, some facilities require the successful completion of other types of requirements such as those listed below. Students will be informed of any additional facility requirements at the time they are assigned a practicum placement and will have time to complete these requirements before beginning the practicum placement. The costs associated with meeting these additional requirements are your responsibility.
- Successfully passing drug screenings. Drug screenings may occur at one or more times during the practicum placement. If you test positive for drug use, you may not be able to secure a placement at a facility or may be removed from a placement. This includes, but is not limited to, testing positive for prescribed medical marijuana or opiates. If you have any questions regarding drug screenings, you can contact the UConn’s Clinical Case Manager at Disclosure of drug use does not indicate a passed drug screen.
- CPR: Basic Life Support, including Adult, Child and AED, through the American Heart Association OR a current EMT license.
- Other: Other types of screenings include fingerprinting, debarment list screenings and Motor Vehicle Records checks.
If you are not able to meet a facility’s additional requirements in a timely manner, you will not be able to complete the scheduled practicum placement experience, which in turn will delay your ability to complete the program.
If you have any questions regarding background checks and drug screens, you can contact the UConn’s Clinical Case Manager at For all other inquires please contact
For Students: Practicum Placement Settings
You will work closely with the School of Social Work (SSW)’s practicum education staff to secure a placement. There are a variety of organizations across the state that partner with the SSW to support student learning. The organizations we work with serve a multitude of diverse populations, cultural backgrounds, and socioeconomic classes in areas including healthcare, child welfare, extended care facilities and community advocacy agencies. BSW students may be placed in settings such as schools, healthcare organizations, mental health centers, homeless shelters, mentoring agencies and probation departments.
For Students: Practicum Placement Experiences
During your last year of undergraduate studies, you will gain rich learning experiences while immersed in a placement within a local social services agency.
Through the practicum placement, you will gain hands-on experience, which may include:
• Assessing client and community needs
• Obtaining social histories and managing a client caseload
• Coordinating referrals of clients to community resources and programs
• Providing individual, group, or family support and counseling, under the supervision of a clinician
• Evaluating the effectiveness of a policy or program
• Advocating with and on behalf of clients
• Planning and facilitating a community meeting or event
• Testifying before the legislature or local government body
• Empowering clients, communities and systems of all sizes
For Agencies and Practicum Instructors
The Practicum Education Department welcomes the opportunity to meet and discuss practicum education and supporting the work of area agencies and practicum instructors.
All agencies looking to have practicum education students must have a signed Affiliation Agreement and an agency application in place with the School of Social Work.
Agency/Practicum Instructor link
Placement Process:
The placement process begins in January and continues throughout the summer. Should your agency have any changes or additions during this time please let us know so that we have the correct information. All updates can be emailed to Practicum Education at
Seminar in Practicum Instruction:
New Practicum Instructors are required to take the seminar in practicum instruction during the fall semester of the first year in which they have a student. A schedule and registration is sent with the student confirmation.
Contact and Office Hours
General Inquires:
Main Phone: (959) 200-3636
Liane Lussier Smith, LCSW
Interim Director of Practicum Education
Nancy Urcinas
Administrative Services Specialist
Isalena Gilzene, MSW
Practicum Coordinator
Maria Koistinen, MSW
Practicum Coordinator
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm
Any student wishing to request an appointment can email We will send you a meeting link via Nexus. For students that need assistance after 4:00 pm, we will make special arrangements to accommodate you.