PhD Student Travel Scholarships

Pre-Dissertation Student Travel Scholarships

The School of Social Work makes available a limited number of conference travel scholarships for doctoral students prior to the defense of their dissertation proposal. These awards are intended to support student participation at professional conferences (through attendance or presentation of research) or professional development opportunities such as training in research methods, teaching practices, etc.

These awards, of up to $750 per year per student, are made on an ongoing basis annually. Priority is given to students who are in their first three years of the doctoral program. Students may request funds for more than one conference, seminar, or training in a given academic year.

To apply, complete the Pre-Dissertation Student Travel Scholarship Form, which can be found below.

All requests must include:

  • A narrative of up to two pages that provides the name, location, date, and purpose of the conference or training, your role in the activity, and any anticipated outcomes expected from your participation.
  • A separate budget for the entire travel costs associated with the conference or training, and the amount you are requesting.

In addition, a separate School of Social Work Pre-Travel Request Form must be completed:

No funds will be approved retroactive to student participation/attendance at a conference or training. Whenever possible, please submit your request at least one month prior to the event.

Questions about the award should be directed to Cristina Mogro-Wilson, PhD Program Director.

Pre-Dissertation Student Travel Scholarship Form

Role at Conference
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