Shekh Farid, MSW

Shekh Farid, MSW, is a PhD candidate at the UConn School of Social Work. His research will focus on exploring the relationship between adolescent mental health and their risk-taking behaviors. He hopes to understand the underlying mental health issues that influence adolescent minds and lead them towards risk-taking behaviors. He also intends to design and conduct experiments with community-based models and intervention strategies to reduce the risks for substance misuse among adolescents, particularly within the changing context of developing countries. By studying and advocating for a healthier community support network, he seeks to foster an environment that empowers the youth and helps them navigate the mental health challenges during adolescence.

Farid holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Social Welfare from the University of Dhaka. Equipped with a solid educational foundation, he then embarked on his journey by joining BRAC—the world’s largest international development organization renowned for its ability to design and implement successful community-based solutions to social problems. His passion for working with the underserved has been solidified through his experience in several community-based programs in rural Bangladesh. Prior to starting his PhD, he also worked as a Statistical Officer for the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics for nearly five years.

Farid envisions a future where his contributions to the social work field will support the youth and protect them from mental health problems and substance abuse disorders, while also guiding them away from risky behaviors.

University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Research Interest:
Substance abuse and mental health
Community practice
Adolescent mental health
Family wellbeing
Adolescent risk-taking behavior
Social work practice with at-risk youth

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