Month: December 2023

Superior Supervision

Jennifer Berton, PhD, LICSW, CADC-IIRegister Now
Thurs, Feb 1, 2024
10 am – 12 pm

Registration Fee: $50
10% discount for UConn SSW Alumni and current SSW Field Instructors

Link will be emailed when your registration is complete.

We know that good supervision can be hard to find, and one major reason is that supervisors are rarely adequately trained. If you are a supervisor, or interested in becoming one, this training will help you build an ethical, engaging, effectual supervision practice.

In this webinar, participants will:

  • explore the common mistakes supervisors make
  • examine effective theoretical orientations and models of supervision
  • explore the core components of the supervisory relationships and the needed tools

Supervising the Diagnosing Clinician

Jennifer Berton, PhD, LICSW, CADC-IIRegister Now
Thurs, Feb 8, 2024

10 am – 12 pm

Registration Fee: $50
10% discount for UConn SSW Alumni and current SSW Field Instructors

Link will be emailed when your registration is complete.

This training marries the essential elements of a successful supervisory practice with the foundation of the diagnostic process. Participants will gain tools to ensure that each supervised clinician can learn how to diagnose disorders and conditions that will be a treatment focus. This training will give participants tools to both evaluate and improve diagnosing tools, and how to troubleshoot and intervene as may be needed.