Challenging Stereotypes of the Black Woman

Shauna Figueroa, LCSW
Tuesday, October 29, 2024Register Now for CE programs
6 pm – 8 pm
Live Webinar
2 CECs

Registration Fee: $50
10% discount for UConn SSW Alumni and Current SSW Field Instructors

The Challenging Stereotypes of the Black Women training is an engaging and thought-provoking exploration of the stereotypes and realities surrounding the Black Woman narrative. This training series seeks to unpack the historical roots, societal impact, and contemporary implications of this harmful stereotype, while fostering understanding, empathy, and allyship among participants.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore the origins and perpetuation of the Black Woman stereotype, examining its portrayal in media, literature, and popular culture, and its impact on the lived experiences of Black women.
  • Discuss the intersectional nature of identity and oppression, emphasizing how race, gender, class, sexuality, and other factors intersect to shape individuals’ experiences and perceptions within society.
  • Empower participants to become allies and advocates for racial and gender equity, fostering inclusive environments where all voices are valued and respected.
  • Develop strategies for challenging stereotypes, disrupting bias, and promoting positive representations of Black women in their personal and professional spheres.