Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): A Hands On Introduction

Donald deGraffenried, LCSW
Friday, October 11, 2024Register Now for CE programs
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
6 CECs

Registration Fee: $150
10% discount for UConn SSW Alumni and Current SSW Field Instructors

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an innovative and powerful therapy used for the desensitization of PTSD and other mental health concerns. It has been in existence for over fifty years, is research validated and many clinicians have questions about the therapy.

This one-day workshop will offer a primer on the theory, practice, and application of EMDR in agency and community mental health settings. The workshop will provide a definition of EMDR and will address a model for how it works and what contributes to its effectiveness. The eight (8) stages of the treatment process will be discussed in depth, with case examples. The use of affect management tools that support client use of EMDR will be reviewed and demonstrated.

A live demonstration of an EMDR session will be provided, addressing the presenting image, negative cognitions, feelings, and body sensations that are effectively treated with EMDR. Teaching modalities will include lecture, demonstrations, PowerPoint, group discussion and EMDR DVD’s.

The implementation and application of EMDR in agency settings will be explored with an emphasis on effective start up tools for practice, written informed consent and the use of scaling questions to enhance client feedback and treatment satisfaction. How to obtain the full six-day EMDR training and issues related to consultation and supervision will also be explored in depth.

This one-day workshop is designed as an introduction to EMDR for clinicians, administrators, agency directors and other individuals interested in EMDR. It is an introduction to the training and many individuals may go on to take the full EMDR training after taking this introduction. It does not qualify you to provide EMDR therapy.