Author: Beth Sharkey, MSW

Adolescent Addiction

Approved by the Connecticut Certification Board (CCB) for Alcohol and Drug Counselors

Jennifer Berton, PhD, LICSW, CADC-II
Thurs, January 18, 2024Register for CE programs now
9 am – 12 pm
3 CECs

Registration Fee: $75
10% discount for UConn SSW Alumni and Current SSW Field Instructors

Webinar link will be emailed when your registration is complete.

Historically mislabeled as a difficult population, this webinar will explore the characteristics of adolescent addiction, the recovery pitfalls, and effective treatment interventions that will engage your young clients.

Adolescent Addiction is a distinct problem, with biopsychosocial elements unique to this age group, which indicates there are unique treatment implications. This training explores the unique elements of adolescent addiction and discusses the best ways to both prevent and treat it. While the majority of the training addresses substance use, other addictions – gambling, sex, internet, fitness – will be included.

Adolescent Addiction is often guided by cultural, political, and social forces. Adolescents my be judged for wanting attention, submitting to peer pressure, or making “stupid” choices, depending on the culture in which the teen is a member. The degree that the addiction is accepted is often based on these influences. This training includes a discussion of these influences, not only in understanding how teen addiction develops, but also how recovery can be sabotaged or supported by these influences.

Participants will:

  • learn the differences between the adult and adolescent brain
  • explore the principles of addiction and how it affects the adolescent brain
  • review updated assessment tools for this population

Recovery Capital: Factors that Support Substance Use Recovery

Approved by the Connecticut Certification Board (CCB) for Alcohol and Drug Counselors

William C. Gilbert, PhD, MSW, LCSW, AADCRegister for CE programs now
Saturday, February 3, 2024
10:00 am – 12:00 pm

2 CECs

Registration Fee: $50
10% discount for UConn SSW Alumni and current SSW Field Instructors

Link will be emailed when your registration is complete.

Those suffering from substance use disorders can face many obstacles in achieving and maintaining recovery. As advocates for those in recovery, we know that such obstacles can delay or prevent a person from meeting their recovery goals. In response to this problem, recent research has explored those factors that support recovery. Using the concept of “Recovery Capital,” Dr. Gilbert will present findings of his research on the relevance of social support, twelve step meeting participation, and spirituality as factors that foster recovery. He will also discuss how his findings can be applied to assist programs that serve people with substance use disorders.

Upon completion of this course participants will be able to:

  • define the concept of “Recovery Capital”
  • demonstrate an understanding of those factors that contribute to maintaining recovery
  • formulate a plan to apply the findings presented to assist their clients

Supervising the Ethical Clinician

Jennifer Berton, PhD, LICSW, CADC-IIRegister Now
Thurs, Feb 15, 2024
10 am – 12 pm
2 CECs

Registration Fee: $50
10% discount for UConn SSW Alumni and current SSW Field Instructors

Link will be emailed when your registration is complete.

This training marries the essential elements of a successful supervisory practice with the core ethical standards of helping professions. Participants will gain tools to ensure that each clinician can grow an ethical practice that will help protect the profession, the clinician, and every client they serve. This training will give participants tools to both evaluate the ethical practice of each clinician and to strengthen any ethically weak areas, which will allow participants to anticipate and address problems before ethical violations occur.

Understanding Military Culture: Implementation in Treatment

Christopher Morse, LICSW, MVF-ASW  Readjustment Counselor, Providence Vet CenterRegister for CE programs button
Saturday, January 27, 2024
10 am – 12 pm

2 CECs – This webinar provides 2 hours of content on practice with Veterans

Registration Fee: $50
10% discount for UConn SSW Alumni and Current SSW Field Instructors

Webinar link will be emailed when your registration is complete.

While the U.S. is seeing increased attention paid to the mental health, substance abuse, and suicide issues within the military and veteran communities, there is also increased concern about our nation’s capacity to provide the services needed. More and more veterans are obtaining mental health care in the civilian sector, but frequently community clinicians have a limited understanding of military and veteran culture.  To assist in developing a therapeutic rapport with veterans and service members, trainer Chris Morse LICSW, MVF-ASW, has drawn on his own military and clinical experience to develop this webinar. Chris will provide clinicians with an overview of military culture, norms, and mores and explore how military life and the combat environment may shape the presentation of the client throughout treatment.

This webinar will:

  • provide a brief overview of military culture and cultural components
  • examine how military service may later affect a veteran’s future interactions
  • identify aspects of military culture that may influence the presentation of the client

Superior Supervision

Jennifer Berton, PhD, LICSW, CADC-IIRegister Now
Thurs, Feb 1, 2024
10 am – 12 pm

Registration Fee: $50
10% discount for UConn SSW Alumni and current SSW Field Instructors

Link will be emailed when your registration is complete.

We know that good supervision can be hard to find, and one major reason is that supervisors are rarely adequately trained. If you are a supervisor, or interested in becoming one, this training will help you build an ethical, engaging, effectual supervision practice.

In this webinar, participants will:

  • explore the common mistakes supervisors make
  • examine effective theoretical orientations and models of supervision
  • explore the core components of the supervisory relationships and the needed tools

Supervising the Diagnosing Clinician

Jennifer Berton, PhD, LICSW, CADC-IIRegister Now
Thurs, Feb 8, 2024

10 am – 12 pm

Registration Fee: $50
10% discount for UConn SSW Alumni and current SSW Field Instructors

Link will be emailed when your registration is complete.

This training marries the essential elements of a successful supervisory practice with the foundation of the diagnostic process. Participants will gain tools to ensure that each supervised clinician can learn how to diagnose disorders and conditions that will be a treatment focus. This training will give participants tools to both evaluate and improve diagnosing tools, and how to troubleshoot and intervene as may be needed.

The Impact of Hip-Hop on Behavior and Culture

This program provides at least 1 hour on content on cultural competence.

Qur-an Webb, MSW and colleagues from Welcome 2 Reality
November 14, 2023
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
2 CECsRegister Now for CE programs

Registration Fee: $50
10% discount for UConn SSW Alumni and current SSW Field Instructors

The webinar link will be emailed when your registration is complete.

In this webinar we’ll delve into the fascinating realm of hip-hop and explore its profound influence on behavior and culture. From its humble origins in the Bronx to its global domination, hip-hop has captivated hearts and minds, shaping the way we think, act, and express ourselves. Through an engaging presentation and expert insights, this webinar will dissect the multifaceted impact of hip-hop, from empowering marginalized communities to redefining societal norms. Whether you’re a hip-hop enthusiast, a cultural observer, or simply curious about the genre’s transformative power, this webinar will leave you with a deeper understanding of the dynamic relationship between hip-hop and behavior.

In this webinar, we will:

  • discuss the insights into the sociopolitical climate that gave rise to hip-hop and explore how it acted as a form of self-expression and resistance against systemic oppression
  • explore the role of hip-hop in shaping identity, attitudes, and values, and assess both the positive and negative implications of its influence on behavior, such as the promotion of resilience, activism, materialism, or misogyny
  • explore the culture, fashion, language, and art and the global reach of hip-hop and its ability to transcend boundaries, creating a shared culture and language among diverse communities
  • develop an understanding of the complex and far-reaching impact of hip-hop on behavior and culture, allowing for informed discussions and a deeper appreciation of this influential genre

The Intersection of Vicarious Trauma and Social Justice

This webinar provides at least 1 hour of content on cultural competency.

Patricia D. Wilcox, LCSW & Aminah Ali, LMSWRegister Now for CE programs now
Wed, Nov 15, 2023
2:00 pm – 4 pm
2 CECs

Registration Fee: $50
10% discount for UConn SSW Alumni and current SSW Field Instructors

Webinar link will be included in your confirmation email.

Recently agencies are paying more attention to the ways that doing the difficult work of helping trauma survivors to heal affects their staff, known as vicarious trauma (VT). Typically, recommendations focus on self-care and work-life balance. This attention is especially important during these times in which agencies are experiencing so much difficulty in hiring and retaining staff, increasing the burden on the existing staff. The responsibility of helping our staff combat VT is not just the responsibility of the individual. The agency must create a work environment in which all staff feel safe and connected. This includes positive staff support, cultivating connected teams, providing effective supervision, and creating a culture in which staff can acknowledge the effects of the work on them personally.

Yet when we consider vicarious trauma we have paid little attention to the differing experiences of our staff of color. This webinar will examine how healers of color approach the work with different multi-generational histories which affect the way they experience the work and may make it more difficult to take advantage of some potential sources of support. Myths relating to the expectations of Black men and women also influence choices. Their experiences within our agencies may also differ, making it harder to use some of the remedies we traditionally recommend. Power dynamics may have unique meaning to staff of color based on their life experiences. When we list ways of self-care, we may be excluding traditional areas of support used by people of color, and we may be emphasizing methods that are elitist. Also, the current staff/life experiences with racism, and micro and macro aggressions in both their own lives and in the news impacts their well-being in the job. Are we able to include discussion of these topics within our teams?

All of these factors may result in our employees of color not feeling safe enough to even share how the work is affecting them for fear of being seen as weak and not-professional, or of having their reactions attributed to being overly sensitive.

If we want to provide workplaces in which it is possible for all our employees to grow and thrive, we must acknowledge the unique experiences of our employees of color and adjust our strategies to support them more effectively. This webinar will explore these possibilities and include practical suggestions for moving forward.

Participants will be able to:

  • define vicarious trauma and list at least three examples of how it manifests in treaters
  • list three ways in which the multi-generational history of racism could influence the work experience of treaters
  • identify three possible ways to make our recommendations for combatting VT more inclusive
  • create a plan to implement at least one change in their agencies.

Group Work with Older Individuals: Imagine the Possibilities

Willa J. Casstevens. PhDRegister Now for CE programs

Fri, September 29, 2023
9:30 am – 4:00 pm
5 CECs

Registration Fee -$125
10% discount for UConn SSW Alumni and current SSW Field Instructors

Classroom location will be in your confirmation email.

The population of older adults in the USA is growing rapidly. Moreover, older adults have been and continue to be particularly vulnerable to COVID-19, now endemic among us. The global pandemic threatened individual and familial economic security, increased social isolation, and negatively affected individual physical and mental health, as well as social well-being. For many older adults this has led to increased anxiety and depression, and ongoing grief due to the loss of loved ones.

Recommended interventions have included physical activity, human touch, an increase in economic support policies, programs to address mental health concerns, and training on mindfulness and self-help skills, such as meditation. Group work stands out as a treatment modality that can be used effectively in all these contexts.

Social group work is a non-hierarchical and strengths-based practice incorporating purposeful activity and mutual aid. Joanne Sulman, a social group worker of over 50 years working with older adults, notes that social group work provides connection, a space for sharing of experience, and feelings of inclusion in a community of people. Active engagement, very effective when working with older adults, is an important part of this process.

Imagine the possibilities – how can you use social group work in your practice with older individuals?

Group work with older adults can include fitness programs, craft groups, choirs, bridge clubs, etc. In the context of mental health, social group work can offer peer support, help navigating losses, and the opportunity to learn and/or improve coping strategies. This approach also fits well with both occupational and recreational therapy.

This workshop includes both didactic and experiential activities. Space is included for group discussion, as well as group work activities and reflection. We will conduct group activities, reflect on experiences, and consider ways to apply this material and these shared experiences in practice settings.

This workshop will enable you to:

  • gain an understanding of major life challenges older adults face and explore how social group work can be utilized to support individuals in coping with aging-related issues
  • explore factors that contribute to healthy aging and creatively consider ways social group work can be a valuable resource in supporting and enhancing this process
  • learn how to incorporate connectedness, active participation, and independence within group work sessions for older adults, fostering a sense of community and empowerment
  • enhance skills needed to develop and implement purposeful group activities tailored to the needs of older individuals in order to improve overall well-being and quality of life.