Author: Beth Sharkey, MSW

Surviving COVID Fatigue

Jennifer Berton, PhD, LICSW, CADC-II

Monday, March 14, 2022Register Now for CE programs now
10 am – 12 pm
2 CECs

$40 – UConn SSW Alumni and Current Field Instructors
$50 – All Others

When COVID initially arrived, clinicians jumped into crisis mode to help our clients manage the myriad issues that came with it. Two years later, the pandemic is still here and we are exhausted, frustrated and needing specific tools to help manage it all. This webinar will target the characteristics of COVID-specific Burnout and the needed tools to address it.

Confronting Fear and Anger

Jelan Agnew, LCSWRegister Now for CE programs now

Thursday, February 24, 2022
1 pm – 3 pm

$40 – UConn SSW Alumni and Current Field Instructors
$50 – All Others

Webinar link will be emailed when your registration is complete.

Step away from trauma responses and move toward responses based on alignment. Transition from fight, flight, and freeze to acknowledge (observe and describe), surrender, and be. Participants will explore the function of anger and fear, and how to use the momentum of intense emotion to achieve goals. Trainer Jelan Agnew will use a trauma-informed and culturally competent lens, with a focus on mindfulness and guided meditation, to help clinicians and clients confront fear and anger.

Participants in this webinar will:

  • examine how we manage intense emotions and learn skills to increase our ability to manage our feelings
  • learn how trauma may play a role in the way we experience these emotions
  • learn how to use the concept of “Observe and Describe” – Where do I feel Fear in my body? Where do I feel Anger in my body?
  • use the “momentum of the emotion” to increase effectiveness in achieving goals

Disordered Gambling

Thomas E. Broffman, PhD, LICSW, CAADAC, CCS, CEAP
Monday, January 31, 2022Register Now for CE programs now
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
2 CECs

$40 – UConn SSW Alumni and Current Field Instructors
$50 – All Others
Webinar link will be emailed when your registration is complete

The CT Council on Problem gambling estimates approximately 70,000 Connecticut adults meet the clinical criteria for problem gambling disorder. An additional 285,000 people are at risk of developing a problem in their lifetime. Problem gambling is often times under-assessed or a component of an undiagnosed co-occurring disorder. This webinar will examine why people gamble, the diagnostic criteria for disordered gambling, screening tools, and available Connecticut treatment resources.

This webinar will examine:

• what is gambling
• why do people gamble
• diagnostic criteria for disordered gambling
• screening tools for disordered gambling
• CT treatment resources

Heart Path Therapy® for Therapists

Debra Franklin, LCSW

Register for CE programs now

Monday, January 10, 2022
1 pm – 4 pm
3 CECs

$60 – UConn SSW Alumni and Current Field Instructors
$75 – All Others

Webinar link will be emailed when your registration is complete.

Heart Path Therapy® for Therapists combines powerful healing approaches from ancient spiritual wisdom combined with guided imagery, Family Constellations, inner child work, sound healing, and energy psychology. There are many wonderful psychological and spiritual healing techniques, but until you heal your own wounds in order to really free your heart, mind, and intuition, those techniques will not be fully effective. As you transform, you empower love, understanding, intuition, and compassion – the most important ingredients to healing. Integrate those with spiritual, sound, and imaginative and energy-oriented approaches, and you will discover your true therapeutic gifts. You can learn to see and feel clients’ “wounds” even before they talk about them and intuitively guide them through a life changing journey once you have traversed your own.

This transformational webinar will take you on an inner journey to experiencing life in a new way. Ms. Franklin will provide a “practitioners introduction” to Heart Path Therapy® to help you significantly on your healing path and inspire your creative gifts as a therapist. Some of what you experience you can begin to apply with your clients.

This webinar will enable you to apply wisdom from sacred traditions whether offering online or in person services, including:

  • the power of an altar, clearing and blessing your space and your clients’, prayer and intention, and the use of sound
  • brief reference to the use of chakras (energy centers in body)
  • ways to increase and apply your intuition, including “feeling” energy
  • explore the roots of emotional struggles, via the inner child and ancestral wounds (the latter from concepts from Family Constellations by Bert Hellinger) through an experiential guided meditation
  • learn about the available options for more in-depth training in Heart Path Therapy® for Therapists

Shall We Zoom? Benefits and Challenges of Providing Group Work Services in a Virtual Environment

All practitioners of groups are welcome – those currently facilitating in the virtual world and those facilitating in person groups who are interested in developing new knowledge and skills to integrate into their practice.

Joan Letendre, PhD, LCSWRegister for CE programs now

Thursdays, December 2 and 9, 2021
1 pm – 3 pm
4 CECs

$80 – UConn SSW Alumni and Current Field Instructors
$100 – All Others

Webinar link will be emailed when your registration is complete.

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us personally and professionally. At a time when many of us were experiencing personal challenges related to the pandemic, we were asked to develop ways of creating positive virtual group experiences in our agencies, communities, and classrooms. Flexibility and creativity were called for as practitioners and educators adapted new models for working safely with clients so in need of services during this time.  With the use of technology for delivering services, it was necessary to adapt different ways of engaging and working with students, group members and colleagues. This 2-part webinar will focus on the challenges and successes of this work.

We will have an opportunity to learn about and experience a virtual group as we examine this model.  We will pay special attention to the elements that foster group engagement and development of mutual aid. In Session 1, we will focus on planning and engagement of members in the overall group and each session and activity. Much of the planning will involve the translation of elements of an in-person group to one that is virtual. In Session 2, we will use a problem-solving model to address the common challenges that group workers encounter (high and low participation, conflict, value-laden topics, curriculum vs process etc.).  Instructor and participant examples will be used to illustrate the problem-solving model that encourages members to be active participants in learning from one another and offering mutual aid.

Using didactic instruction, small and large group discussions, activities, and videos, participants in this 2-part webinar will:

  • Develop a group climate where we can share the challenges and successes of on-line formats of group service delivery
  • Review planning and engagement strategies and apply to on-line formats
  • Share different creative strategies for developing a climate of support and mutual aid in on-line groups
  • Review the problem-solving model in relation to common group challenges that may be exacerbated by the on-line format
  • Learn to manage conflict in a way that gives affirmation to many points of view

Relieve Anxiety with Emotional Freedom Technique – Theory and Practice

Catherine Ewing, LCSW, MDivRegister Now for CE programs now

Wed, Feb 23, 1 – 3:30 pm & Wed, March 9, 1 – 2:30 pm
4 CECs

$80 – UConn SSW Alumni and Current Field Instructors
$100 – All Others

Webinar link will be emailed when your registration is complete.

Life as we’ve known it has been turned upside down and inside out.  Change, loss, fear and uncertainty all add to our already high stress levels and worrisome thoughts. Based on feedback from her previous Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) presentations, Catherine Ewing expanded this program to a 2-part webinar. In the first session, you will learn the basics of EFT (tapping).  We will explore how it can relieve anxiety and help bring our clients and ourselves back to a place of inner peace.

In the second session, we will have an opportunity to share our tapping experiences during the previous two weeks, ask questions, and have time for additional practice.  If time permits, we will do a group tapping experience based on the energy of the group and what feels most helpful and appropriate to help you move forward in your tapping practice.

Please join us for this 2-part webinar to learn the basics of EFT and walk away with a tool that will change your life.  This is the perfect time to learn this simple, but powerful technique for yourself and your clients.

In this engaging webinar, we will:

  • learn the Basic Recipe that is the basis for all of EFT
  • learn the 8 standard tapping points
  • have a direct experience of the benefits of tapping
  • learn how to use EFT for self-care and with clients
  • have time to practice and gain confidence in using EFT

The Foundation for Understanding Mental Health

Qur-an Webb, MSW and colleagues from Welcome2Reality
Register for CE programs now
Wed, Oct 20, 2021
2 pm – 4 pm
2 CECs

$40 – UConn SSW Alumni and Current Field Instructors
$50 – All Others

This webinar was created to provide a base level understanding of mental health challenges and disorders from stigma to trauma to treatment and more. The training will be delivered in an interactive format by including activities, promoting discussion and creating a safe space for to engage in critical conversations around mental health and what we can do to promote better mental health wellbeing and functioning.

We will discuss the factors that puts someone at risk or protects them from developing a mental illness, including the influence of trauma. We will examine the effect of stigma on the perception of mental illness on the individual and societal levels, including how this is often internalized. We will explore some of the most common mental health disorders and then bridge into discussing treatment methods, how to identify signs versus symptoms, barriers to treatment and ways in which we can work to eliminate stigma, promote treatment engagement and emphasize the importance of self-care.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the prevalence of mental health challenges and disorders
  • Explore risk and protective factors for developing a mental illness
  • Discuss the impact of trauma and the physiological manifestation of signs and symptoms as they influence mental health
  • Discuss the impact that stigma has on the perception of mental illnesses on the societal, communal and personal level
  • Learn some tips for eliminating stigma, engaging in treatment and the importance of self-care

Finding and Improving a Trauma-Informed Workplace Using Brain Science

Patricia D Wilcox, LCSW

Register for CE programs now

Friday, Sept 24, 2021
10 am – 12 pm
2 CECs

$40 – UConn SSW Alumni and Current Field Instructors
$50 – All Others

Webinar link will be emailed when your registration is complete.

Our growing awareness of the importance of trauma-informed care goes beyond clinical work with individuals. It includes the organization and practices of the whole agency system. Helpers cannot treat their clients any better than they themselves are treated. In addition, as we consider the high toll that working with trauma survivors can take on treaters, it is increasingly clear that self-care practices are not enough. In  this era of staff shortages and high turnover, the agency must take action to sustain the hope and energy of its workers. What are these actions?

When staff feel they are connected with each other and the agency, and are using and developing their best selves, they are calmer and more effective. Trauma-informed care means using the relationship as the primary vehicle of change. Staff cannot have open-hearted relationships with clients unless they feel safe and connected. We will share strategies for developing a protective social environment.

Participants will be able to:

  • Define a trauma-informed workplace and list five components.
  • Develop a list of questions to ask in a job interview to learn more about organizational practices.
  • Critique their current organization through a polyvagal and trauma-informed lens.
  • Appraise and discuss their own personal contributions to a culture to sustain employees and develop a plan for future action.
  • Utilize polyvagal theory to examine staff reactions to safety and danger and develop an action plan to increase staff connectedness and safety either as an employee or as a supervisor.

More details about the webinar:

This webinar will first address the process of seeking a job in an agency that takes care of its workers. What should the interviewee look for? What questions should they ask?

The webinar will then address the role of the individual employee in creating and enhancing a trauma-informed system. What can one person do? The new field of polyvagal theory will help participants understand how safety and danger affect their own behavior and that of their co-workers, including the role of implicit bias. A tool to develop insight into one’s own experiences of safety at work will be introduced. A sense of safety is greatly enhanced by connectedness. Participants will also examine how the racist climate influences our sense of safety and danger, and how self-awareness and specific strategies can help us bring anti-racism into our treatment. Other areas that have been shown to be essential for worker job satisfaction are voice and choice and a sense of purpose and efficacy. Participants will explore actions they personally can take to evaluate and improve these factors in their work settings.

The webinar will also address the role of supervisors and leaders in creating a sustaining workplace, including a checklist of possible action steps.

How Our COVID and Re-entry Experience Can Help Us Be More Powerful Healers

Patricia D. Wilcox, LCSWRegister for CE programs now

Wed, July 14, 2021
9 am – 11 am
2 CECs

$40 – UConn SSW Alumni and Current Field Instructors
$50 – All Others

Webinar link will be emailed when your registration is complete.

We have all had to endure many changes and stressors during the pandemic crisis. How can we use our experiences to enhance our clinical compassion? Participants will examine their experiences during this crisis and consider what they can learn from them in areas such as:

  • Living with a sense of constant danger
  • Being cut off from loved ones
  • Ever-changing and difficult to understand rules and advice
  • Loneliness
  • Loss
  • Being unable to access resources
  • Handling multiple stressors at once
  • Lack of resources
  • Uncertainty and fear of the future
  • The complexities of returning to the world

Now, we are re-entering our worlds and moving towards our new normal. What have we learned that we want to keep? How can we observe our own responses in trying to achieve a sense of safety, and learn from them about the journeys that our clients take? How can we translate this new awareness into changed practices for our work and our lives?

Learning objectives:

  1. Participants will identify and explore their own COVID19 experiences.
  2. Participants will connect these experiences to events that are common for their clients, and explore how clients manifest these stressors in ways that now makes more sense.
  3. Participants will identify the features of their own reactions to the loosening of restrictions and to assurances of greater safety, and through this gain a greater understanding of the body’s mechanism of danger and connection.
  4. Participants will translate this new understanding into changes they will make in their practice.

Social Justice Issues in Supervision

This webinar provides at least one hour of content on cultural competence

Register for CE programs now

Patricia D. Wilcox, LCSW and Aminah Ali, MSW
Mon, June 28, 2021
1 pm – 3 pm
2 CECs

$40 – UConn SSW Alumni and Current Field Instructors
$50 – All Others

This webinar focuses on trauma-informed supervision through a social justice lens, an approach to supervision that begins with the personal and extends to the professional. Personal histories, identities, characteristics and psychological experiences of supervisors, as well as structural and environmental conditions of the organization, are considered in supervision. This perspective promotes the role of the supervisor as a leader in establishing a culture within their team that is responsive to and inclusive of the positionalities and unique experiences of clients and colleagues. Supervisors are encouraged to remain vigilant in their commitment to social justice by leading their teams and organizations in achieving truly inclusive diversity.

Participants will be able to:

  • Define their social work values and create a plan to promote social justice in their roles as leaders within the organization
  • Find how to improve their interactions with supervisees by identifying the positionalities and unique experiences of supervisor and supervisee
  • Critique the culture of the organization by partnering with their supervisees
    Appraise and discuss implicit bias and how it impacts the supervisory relationship and work with clients
  • Discuss with supervisees the applications of racism and inter-generational trauma-informed perspectives in supervision and practice and prepare a plan to utilize this knowledge within their practice

 Webinar link will be emailed when your registration is complete