Author: Beth Sharkey, MSW

Boundaries in the Time of COVID-19

Jennifer Berton, PhD, LICSW, CADC-II
Tues, June 15, 2021Register for CE programs now
10 am – 12 pm
2 CECs

$40 – UConn SSW Alumni and Current Field Instructors
$50 – All Others

What do you do when you are experiencing the same thing that is causing the anxiety, depression, trauma, and general turmoil that your clients are needing you to help address? How do you maintain boundaries when we are collectively going through this challenge together? Where do clinical boundaries intersect with human boundaries? Come having a healing conversation about how COVID is straining your boundary skills and what to do about it.

Webinar link will be emailed when your registration is complete

Engaging Youth in Foster Care

This webinar provides at least 1 hour of content on cultural competence.

Qur-an Webb, MSW and colleagues from Welcome 2 Reality Register now for CE programs

Mon, April 25, 2022
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

$40 – UConn SSW Alumni and Current Field Instructors
$50 – All Others

Webinar link will be emailed when your registration is complete.

Children who enter the child welfare system face many obstacles and challenges. When they are separated from their families and place in foster care, their willingness to trust and make positive connections can be extremely difficult. This training will discuss how to improve engagement with youth in foster care of all ages, races, and sexual orientations and gender identities. We will explore risk and resilience factors emphasizing the importance of strength based-solution focused strategies to support and engage these individuals.

Extending Functional Assessment to the Consultation Arrangement: Strategies for Success

Solandy Forte, PhD, LCSW, BCBA-DRegister Now

Wednesday, May 26, 2021
10 am – 12 pm
2 CECs

$40 – UConn SSW Alumni and Current Field Instructors
$50 – All Others

Webinar link will be emailed when your registration is complete.

Providing behavioral consultation to teams within public and private settings requires a special set of skills that encompasses coaching and mentoring in order to motivate and promote change. Applying an effective and efficient consultation model will encourage buy in and follow through from consumers and will lead to achieving the ultimate goals established through the needs assessment.

This webinar will focus on effective consultation models and strategies as well as lead discussions regarding the use of a broad lens to examine expertise, resources issues, and organization cultural issues that impact consultation. The presentations will also review different approaches to collecting data in order to assess the consultant’s own effectiveness and to evaluate social validity in a consultative context.